Thursday, October 29, 2009

Season of Renewal

A sabbatical is a season of renewal, rest and reflection. It is recommended that pastors and spiritual leaders take them every 7 to 8 years. This is my first one after 28 years of ministry. Perhaps I am overdue! I will be disengaging from normal ministry from November 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010.

I am building this season around 3 experiences of Peter with Jesus as related in John 21:1-23. Peter engages Jesus over a charcoal fire. It was over a charcoal fire in Herod's patio that he had denied Jesus. Jesus serves him a breakfast. It's a time of renewal for Peter. Then they take a walk together and a dialog ensues about what or whom Peter loves most. The answer to this question is vital to Peter's growth and development as a Christ follower and leader. Finally the dialog ends with a reference to what is forthcoming for Peter.

The sabbatical is built around these 3 moments: (1) "come and have breakfast" (making a lot a space to engage with the Lord), (2) "Do you love me more than these?" (reflecting especially on past 28 years of ministry), and (3) "when you were younger. . .when you are older" (looking ahead or life scheduling for coming years of life and ministry).